SKF Enlight ProCollect是支持REP的攜帶型(mobile app)解決方案,包括
以及與SKF新的基於網頁的軟體分析平台Enlight Centre的連接。
以及與SKF新的基於網頁的軟體分析平台Enlight Centre的連接。
Measurement and analysis functions
Internal sensor→+5%: 5 Hz to 3,000 Hz
Frequency range→+10%: 3 Hz to 5 000 Hz
→-3 dB: 1.4 Hz to 10000 Hz
The response is attenuating (3 dB down) at both frequencies
Overall velocity→10 Hz to 1 kHz up to 55 mm/s RMS
Bearing condition→ SKF patented Enveloped acceleration
→gE Bands 2 and 3, up to 20 gE True Peak-to-Peak
Built in infrared (IR) sensor
Capable of measuring outside the QuickCollect operating temperature range
and up to 100 C for short periods.
Vibration Time Waveforms →Acceleration (g), Enveloped acceleration (gE)
Sample rates: 256 Hz to 25.6 kHz
Sample lengths: 256 to 8 192 samples
Spectrum/FFT →Acceleration (g), Velocity (mm/s), Enveloped acceleration (gE)
Maximum frequency: 100 Hz to 10 kHz
Resolution: 100 to 3 200 lines
Internal sensor→+5%: 5 Hz to 3,000 Hz
Frequency range→+10%: 3 Hz to 5 000 Hz
→-3 dB: 1.4 Hz to 10000 Hz
The response is attenuating (3 dB down) at both frequencies
Overall velocity→10 Hz to 1 kHz up to 55 mm/s RMS
Bearing condition→ SKF patented Enveloped acceleration
→gE Bands 2 and 3, up to 20 gE True Peak-to-Peak
Built in infrared (IR) sensor
Capable of measuring outside the QuickCollect operating temperature range
and up to 100 C for short periods.
Vibration Time Waveforms →Acceleration (g), Enveloped acceleration (gE)
Sample rates: 256 Hz to 25.6 kHz
Sample lengths: 256 to 8 192 samples
Spectrum/FFT →Acceleration (g), Velocity (mm/s), Enveloped acceleration (gE)
Maximum frequency: 100 Hz to 10 kHz
Resolution: 100 to 3 200 lines